How do I manage the Visuals Library for all users at my institution?

Elevate K-12 Analytics includes a Master Visuals Library with pre-configured charts and dashboards that quickly and meaningfully display student data. By default, all of these visuals are turned on and accessible to Elevate K-12 Analytics users at your institution. However, as a Elevate K-12 Analytics admin, you can manage your institutions Visuals Library and remove items that are not applicable for your institution.

You can also manage your institution's Visuals Library by user role.

Additionally, items in the Elevate K-12 Analytics Master Library are periodically updated and these updates can be synced to your account. You can manage library item synchronization.

Open Administration Page

Open Administration Page

In the Navigation Menu, click the Admin link.

Open Library

In the Elevate K-12 Analytics Administration page, click the Library link.

View Library Item Visibility

By default, the Manage Library page displays your account Set Visibility options.

Expand Library Item Options

Charts and dashboards in the Master Library are organized in folders by metric [1]. To view folder items, click the Expand icon next to the folder title [2]. Metric folders may display additional folders, which can also be expanded. Fully expanded folders display all associated charts and dashboards [3].

You can manage library item visibility by metric [4], folder [5], and item [6].

To hide folder items, click the Collapse icon [7]

Manage Item Visibility

Manage Item Visibility

By default, all library options are turned on [1].

To turn off a library item so that it does not display in your institution's Visuals Library, click the Visibility toggle [2].