How do I view and manage a list of my institution's Elevate K-12 Analytics users?

You can view a list of Elevate K-12 Analytics users from Organization Management in Security. The User page displays a list of users, their usernames, and their user role. You can also view a user's login history and user role history, and you can impersonate a user to switch to their account. Depending on the account, you may be able to edit user login and profile information. You can also view a user's account details to verify account creation dates, and view access scope, and email account invitations.

In Security you can also manually add users and configure account creation and management automation.

Open Administration Page

Open Administration Page

In the Navigation Menu, click the Admin link.

Open Security

In the Elevate K-12 Analytics Administration page, click the Security link.

Open Users

In the Security Management Navigation Menu, click the Users link [1], or on the Security Management Overview page you can click the Users link [2].

View Users

By default, the Users page displays a list of active users in your Elevate K-12 Analytics account, including names, usernames, user roles, and scope of access [1]. To view other types of users (such as archived users, users not yet invited, and users not activated), click the User Type drop-down menu [2] and select a type of user.

To search for a user, enter a name or username in the Search user field [3]. You can also manually add new users [4].

The User page displays up to ten users at one time. To view additional users in the user list, use the page navigation buttons [5]. You can also view the total number of users in the account [6].

View Users By Type

View Users By Type

You can filter the User List to view only certain types of users. Click the User Type drop-down menu and select from the following options:

  • Active users - Users who have activated their accounts
  • Archived users - User accounts that are deactivated
  • Not yet invited - Users whose accounts exist but need an email invitation to activate their account
  • Not activated (invited >30 days ago) - Users who received an email invitation more than 30 days ago and have not yet activated their account
  • Not activated (all invited) - Users who received an email invitation and have not activated their account
  • Using personal logins (not SSO) - Users who log into Elevate K-12 Analytics using a username and password; their sign-in type is set as Personal Login
  • Using manual role management - Users whose Role Management option is set to Manual, not Automatic

View User Details

To view details for an existing user, locate the user in the User list and click the Edit button.

Edit User Details

The Edit User page displays the following sections with user information:

  • Login [1]: displays the user's sign-in method, their username, and the password associated with their account.
  • Role [2]: displays the role management method and the user's role in Elevate K-12 Analytics.
  • User Info [3]: displays the user's name and staff ID number.
  • Details [4]:  displays the method and date when the user account was created.

To view the user's role history, click the User History button [5].

You may be able to edit information in the Login, Role, and User Info sections. To save edits made to the user's details, click the Save button [6].

Archive User

To deactivate a user account, locate the user in the User list and click the Archive button.

Restore Archived User

Restore Archived User

To reactivate an archived user account, click the Users drop-down menu [1]. Select Archived users [2]. Then locate the archived user in the User list and click the Restore button [3].