multiple optional assignments, one grade in gradebook

Community Member

Hi there,

I am new to Canvas as my university just migrated from Blackboard. I have a large class in which students have 3-4 readings per each module. Each reading has a specific prompt and is graded on the same scale (let us say, 25 points). Each student can pick ONE reading per module, submit the answer by the deadline and move to the next module. 

My question is about the gradebook. How I set this in gradebook such that:

1 students are able to submit only one answer per module

2 students are able to see the submission of others, but only for the same reading

3 the stat does not add all the readings together. That means for that module the 25 points would be the maximum grade.

I did something like this in Blackboard by creating a discussion forum for each readings for each module. What is the right way to do this? Is there any way to group together some grades and consider them together as one score?

Thanks in advance!

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