Instructure Alumni
Sep 16, 2020 9:56:56 AM
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Most Liked Posts
Hello @kucougars85
Are you copy and pasting from Word or some other application? I believe there is a minor issue right now that Canvas is trying to fix. There are two ways to fix it while they w...
Hello @cmccann1
Thank you for contacting the Instructure Community. Yes you can use both for a single course but that course needs to be tied to a theme. Depending on your account setup, that may...
Hello @Jaede
The users you are adding to your course also need to have a FFT account - once they have one you should be able to add them following this guide:
Hello @LenkaJulia
Thank you for contacting the Instructure Community. We're sorry to hear you've been experiencing issues with deleting assignments. Canvas does try to limit the amount of...
Hello @NancyCallaway
In addition to what @Ron_Bowman mentioned - It could be your internet browser and we recommend clearing the cache and cookies or trying another browser.
In ChromeOn your ...
Most Recent Posts
Hello @HananElbakry
It may be helpful to take a look at these two guides depending on what you're trying to do:
Hello @JohnPittman
You should be able to change your dashboard view by following this guide:
How do I use the Dashboard as a student? - Instructure Community - 512
If you're unable to see th...
Hello @fsantiago
That is odd behavior. Do you by chance of a screen shot or know what the error message said? It's possible it was a Camvas/Catalog error or a browser/network error. You check...
Hello @AsaLiebowitz
Are you exporting files or student submissions or grades? Generally speaking things that downloaded from Canvas aren't able to be renamed unfortunately. Can you give us an...
Hello @mmrasmussen
That's odd - there shouldn't be any issue regarding that on the iOS student app right now. It doesn't look like there are any known issues. Is this just one quiz or...
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