
Andrew Hawryshkewich
Community Novice
Apr 26, 2016 10:31:48 AM
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I (Andrew) am a constantly aspiring multimedia designer and frequent lecturer who teaches predominantly design related topics at Simon Fraser University's School of Interactive Arts and Technology (SIAT) in Vancouver, Canada. According to past student reviews I am somehow simultaneously 'awkward', 'a committed instructor' and 'should bring back the crazy professor hair'. Regardless of my inherent awkwardness, I take teaching seriously and strive to create as accommodating a learning environment as possible.

Most Liked Posts

Tap/click map to enlargeAndrew HawryshkewichSchool of Interactive Arts & Technology (SIAT) / Simon Fraser University (SFU)HigherEdCreated to streamline feedback in design courses, Parti is a live,...
Likes: 6
As promised, you can access the slide-deck for my presentation at andrewh talks about Parti in the Classroom  and the now open-source code is available at GitHub - sfu/parti-lti: Live image upload par...
Likes: 5
I must admit, I don't know how to do that! Do you think we could figure that out at some point?Thanks Keroleen!
Likes: 3
Given I now realize that the 'brief' about my presentation above isn't the clearest, you can check out my "Parti in the Classroom!" poster presented at a recent symposium. It will ...
Likes: 3
I think I can manage to pack one of Mysterium (https://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/113997/mysterium) or Skulldug (http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/171234/skulldug) to bring along with me; any pr...
Likes: 2

Most Recent Posts

As promised, you can access the slide-deck for my presentation at andrewh talks about Parti in the Classroom  and the now open-source code is available at GitHub - sfu/parti-lti: Live image upload par...
Jul 20, 2016 11:58 AM
I must admit, I don't know how to do that! Do you think we could figure that out at some point?Thanks Keroleen!
Jul 13, 2016 17:28 PM
Hello bdye,Thank-you for your interest and (hopefully) attendance! Sadly I do not have any pre-session App materials at the moment as we are in process of open-sourcing it as I type this message. I sh...
Jul 12, 2016 17:43 PM
I think I can manage to pack one of Mysterium (https://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/113997/mysterium) or Skulldug (http://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/171234/skulldug) to bring along with me; any pr...
Jul 09, 2016 00:07 AM
Given I now realize that the 'brief' about my presentation above isn't the clearest, you can check out my "Parti in the Classroom!" poster presented at a recent symposium. It will ...
May 25, 2016 00:33 AM

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