
James Whalley
Community Coach
Senior Instructional Design Technologist
Aug 23, 2018 9:55:01 AM
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James Whalley is a senior instructional design technologist in the Center for Teaching Innovation. Prior to joining CTI, James was the director of online education in the International College of the University of Suwon. In that role, he oversaw training, as well as course development and implementation through the Blackboard learning management system. Including his time at USW, James taught in South Korean universities for more than six years, focusing on instruction in ESL and film. James holds a bachelor’s in theater arts with an emphasis in film and a master of business administration from Humboldt State University. He also holds a master of education in instructional design from Western Governors University.

Most Liked Posts

I'd like to echo @mwolfenstein in questioning what's going on here. If Streamline the experience and reduce the cognitive load of modules is too big a lift, why did you even let folks vote...
Likes: 26
Hello @AllisonHowell, Thank you and the team for all your hard work in getting us new features. I'm excited to bring this new feature to our professors here at Cornell. I've done a little ...
Likes: 12
You may also want to check the Idea Conversation precursors, as I remember some of these same ideas that had hundreds of upvotes suddenly only had dozens of 5 stars. It would be nice to recapture all ...
Likes: 11
@SamGarza1 When is “immediately”? We want time to make a decision and contact the CSM if we need to keep it on. This is our first week of semester and people are already building discussions with ...
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@marusak Here at Cornell, our big issue was the fact that the move from 1.1 to 1.3 meant manually redoing everything that included Google Apps as an external tool or embed without there being a cl...
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Most Recent Posts

@WilliamSmallwoo If you course is public to your institution, you should be able to share a direct link to your module, but that would also open up your full course to anyone at your institution w...
Mar 10, 2025 06:12 AM
I am not sure if it would re-notify students. My instinct is that it would not. As for how long you have to undelete an item, I do not know of any limits to this.
Mar 04, 2025 07:22 AM
@user504034 Canvas does not record whether you use the "find" feature of a browser on a file. Canvas merely records when a file is accessed or downloaded. That said, I would recommend shut...
Mar 04, 2025 07:02 AM
@Gabriel33 While I do not have any experience of Ally misjudging Level AA compliance, I did want to recommend that you check out the Ally User Group. Since Ally is a third party tool (by Anthology...
Mar 04, 2025 06:58 AM
@oneilllj Documentation shows that you should be able to save Powerpoint files as PDFs with the notes visible. If students turn in these PDFs, then graders should be able to annotate them in the S...
Mar 04, 2025 06:43 AM

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