
Community Member
Aug 13, 2020 9:19:43 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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But that's not the issue. If comments are enabled, the embedded Youtube video from Studio will not play.  It will only play if you turn comments off. But when you come back to the page, comments a...
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When I am in student view and click on an unpublished assignment, the menu at the left (containing "home") is still there even though Canvas shows the assignment as not available.  However, wh...
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When I type 180o (a degree sign from the equation editor) into the RCE, the display will sometimes put the 180 at the end of one line and the degree sign at the beginning of the next (depending on the...
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I gave an exam last week; students uploaded their work onto Canvas as an assignment and I graded them in Speedgrader.  Now, this week, 2 students' exams are missing.  Canvas says "this student...
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Is there a way to copy a course exactly?  For example, if course A has modules 1 and 2, and course B has modules 1, 2, and 3, importing/copying course A into course B will replace course B's modul...
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Most Recent Posts

But that's not the issue. If comments are enabled, the embedded Youtube video from Studio will not play.  It will only play if you turn comments off. But when you come back to the page, comments a...
Sep 06, 2022 11:56 AM
When I am in student view and click on an unpublished assignment, the menu at the left (containing "home") is still there even though Canvas shows the assignment as not available.  However, wh...
Jun 30, 2022 13:53 PM
When I type 180o (a degree sign from the equation editor) into the RCE, the display will sometimes put the 180 at the end of one line and the degree sign at the beginning of the next (depending on the...
Jun 15, 2022 13:17 PM
I gave an exam last week; students uploaded their work onto Canvas as an assignment and I graded them in Speedgrader.  Now, this week, 2 students' exams are missing.  Canvas says "this student...
Oct 27, 2020 06:37 AM
Is there a way to copy a course exactly?  For example, if course A has modules 1 and 2, and course B has modules 1, 2, and 3, importing/copying course A into course B will replace course B's modul...
Aug 13, 2020 10:22 AM

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