How do I record media using the Rich Content Editor as an instructor?

You can use the Rich Content Editor to record video and audio media. You can record media for any length of time, but shorter media recordings are recommended. If your media is longer than 15 minutes, you may want to consider recording and uploading using an external provider. Longer media recordings require more time to render and may be interrupted without a stable internet connection.

Several features in Canvas support the Rich Content Editor, including Announcements, Assignments, Discussions, Pages, Quizzes, and Syllabus.


  • The Safari browser does not support recording media. Please use Chrome or Firefox to record media from the Rich Content Editor.
  • Media recorded in the Rich Content Editor is saved in the Uploaded Media folder in your Course Files or Group Files.
  • By default, recorded media files added to the Rich Content Editor are visible to students within the announcement, assignment, discussion, page, quiz, or syllabus. However, if recorded file's restriction settings were changed to unpublished or are outside of the file's visibility dates, student will not be able to view the file. View file restriction settings.

Open Rich Content Editor

Open the Rich Content Editor when creating or editing an announcement, assignment, discussion, page, quiz, or syllabus.

Note: The Rich Content Editor supports keyboard shortcuts. To view the Keyboard Shortcuts menu, click the Keyboard icon or press ALT+F8 (PC keyboard) or Option+F8 (Mac keyboard).

Open Media Upload Tool from Toolbar

Open Media Upload Tool

To upload media from the toolbar, click the Media icon [1]. Then select the Upload/Record Media option [2].

To view the Media icon, you may have to click the Options icon [3].

Note: If the Media icon does not display in the toolbar, media uploads have been disabled by your institution.

Open Media Upload Tool from Menubar

Open Media Upload Tool from Menubar

You can also upload media using the menubar in the Rich Content Editor. The menubar displays the title of Rich Content Editor tools and may be preferable for those using keyboard navigation.

To upload media using the menubar, click the Insert menu [1], select the Media option [2], and select the Upload/Record Media option [3].

Open Media Recording Tool

Click the Record tab.

Select Mic and Webcam Options

Select Mic and Webcam Options

The media recorder connects to your computer's default microphone and web cam.

To change your microphone settings, click the Mic button [1]. Then select from the displayed options [2].

To change your webcam settings, click the Webcam button [3]. To disable video recording, select the No Video option [4].

Record Media

Record Media

Click the Start Recording button.

Finish Media Recording

The media recorder displays the length of your current recording [1].

To restart your recording, click the Start Over button [2].

To finish your recording, click the Finish button [3].

Preview Recorded Media

Preview Recorded Media

Preview your recorded media in the media recorder [1].

To title your media, type in the Title field [2].

To embed your media in the Rich Content Editor, click the Save button [3].

View Embedded Media

View Embedded Media

View your uploaded media file in the Rich Content Editor.

Save Changes

Save Changes

Click the Save button.


  • The assignment, discussion, pages, and quizzes details pages display a Save & Publish button.
  • The Syllabus page displays an Update Syllabus button.
  • Discussion replies display a Post Reply button.

View Content

View Content

View the content created in the Rich Content Editor.