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I have a teacher that is wondering if she can choose a certain section to moderate during a quiz.  She has 3 sections for one class and when she chooses to moderate a quiz, she sees all of those students rather than just the section she is giving the...

  • 1 Replies

When using Canvas built-in message service to forward a message from one user to another, is the sender of the forwarded message ever informed of this? That is, can they find out if the message was forwarded?

  • 4 Replies

When copying content from one course to another, or importing a Course Export, all assignments show up in the gradebook automatically. However, if we change the Display Points As status to Not Graded, it removes it from the gradebook. This is useful ...

  • 2 Replies

A teacher asked me the following 2 questions relating to assignment submissions. 1) Are students able to see ALL of their submissions for an assignment, rather than just the most recent submission? Sometimes they get confused. Sometimes they have to ...

  • 1 Replies

It would be extremely helpful if we had the capability to do bulk moderations for assignment times when accommodating students with disabilities. At present this has to be done manually for each individual assignment. Is this the proper venue for voi...

  • 2 Replies

I accidentaly created an assignment with a past due date (last reporting period). I have a student that already submitted that assignment therefore I can't edit it or unpublish it and edit it. How do I fix this. I won't even let me grade this student...

  • 1 Replies

If I have a TA and I set up a Conference with only one student name invited/checked, will the TA  automatically be able to attend that Conference?

  • 1 Replies

How useful your services have been looking at user feedback and to what extent has the technology been updated due to feedback from users and how much has the user uptake changed in the past 5 years?

  • 7 Replies

Hello,  Is there a way to get my graded discussions to show up in my gradebook?  I can grade on the speedgrader, but it isn't showing up as an actually assignment in the gradebook grid. 

  • 3 Replies

I recently created my first math quiz on Canvas - Algebraic Expressions.  Some students (not all) reported seeing expressions that were missing operators ( x - y  showed up as x   y ).  This made it extremely difficult to evaluate these expressions w...

  • 5 Replies

Is it possible to return to the drag-and-drop box you get when you first create a module, after there is content in it?  I can add multiple files at once to a new module, which is great, but can't figure out how to get back to that drag-and-drop box ...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I want to embed some of my TikTok videos to my Canvas class. I do this successfully with YouTube vids all the time, but when I embed my TikToks, they don't show the nifty thumbnail like they should. I have tested the TikTok embed code in other sites,...

  • 5 Replies

How do I access slack?

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hi all! I created weighted assignment groups and would like to be able to view the class average for each assignment group but don't seem to be able to. I hope I'm missing something - is there a way to do this? I'd like to use this information to mod...

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Canvas Question Forum
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do i go to the lib. to search materials ?

  • 1 Replies

Can't find any other way to provide feedback. Whoever designed this should be fired. I can't see that there is any new functionality, but I have found that functionality that was in the old RCE has been removed. Not sure why anyone thought a change w...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
  • 17 Replies

This question was asked in 2017, so I wonder if there are other options/solutions currently. I would like to change the weight I gave to my assignment categories this semester. I teach a semester 1 semester 2 course. Is there a way to do it without a...

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Canvas Question Forum
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At this point in time, I realize that Canvas will automatically fill in late/missing for me if I have a submission that is Canvas based. However, if there is an external tool assignment or something that I am manually entering (on paper or other site...

  • 3 Replies

I have a student that is trying to submit an assignment, but each time he submits, a popup appears that asks him to sign a submission pledge. He can't agree to the pledge, or find where the pledge is coming from. I have no idea either? I guess that i...

  • 1 Replies

I recently changed my last name.  I can not get into my old CANVAS pages with my old name because the district deleted my old email address.  However, my students can still see my old CANVAS pages with assignments, modules etc.  I have yet to hear ba...

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
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I am wondering if there is a way to archive "grades" in canvas so that I don't have to scroll through all of first semester assignments when working on second semester. When using Canvas for gen ed and 6+ different subjects it becomes a lot to work w...

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I have copied URL from canvas to google and only one class is showing up on my google calendar.  My canvas calendar shows all classes.  How can I get all of my classes to sync into google calendar?

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Canvas Question Forum
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How do I recover an assignment in Canvas that my students already completed that I deleted on accident?  I tried going to the blog but it is showing that the blog is no longer available to view.

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I'm new to being a Canvas admin so I'm hoping someone else here has some experience with this. I have a student whose information was pulled from the SIS incorrectly (it had her last name where her first name should be). To correct this, we created a...

  • 1 Replies

Is there a way to make 2 courses show up in different course blocks?   For example, we use Skyward and Skyward creates our courses in Canvas. BUT, if a teacher teaches World History in period one AND period three, those two classes show up in the ...

  • 1 Replies

I have a quiz (old quizzes - New Quizzes are not accessible enough for us to use at this time) -- that is set to lock questions after responding (with or without the answer once they click Next). The settings are also set to allow only one question a...

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Canvas Question Forum
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I am just learning to use  "Formula" questions in New Quizzes.  I would really like to create a random set of 25 numbers 5-10.  I want the students to then completely a frequency table based off of the numbers or at least determine the frequency tabl...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hi, I mainly use quizzes with answer zones for the students to write their own paragraphs for instance; but I never have the DocViewer toolbar to annotate the student's answers. Thanks for your help. Aleph  

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Canvas Question Forum
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You've structured your platform so that Surveys are a subset of Quizzes, and because of this, Surveys have all the trappings of the Quiz tool. And there's *no way to customize wording*. They're not the same thing. They're very different approaches to...

  • 1 Replies

We have a number of faculty on our campus who use Excel in tandem with Canvas to manage various aspects of their courses. Our old LMS, Brightspace, had a one-click option to export a list of students and their email addresses. Canvas doesn't seem to ...

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Canvas Question Forum
  • 8 Replies