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Canvas Release Notes (2019-04-20)

Canvas Release Notes (2019-04-20)

In this Canvas release (April 20), the BigBlueButton Conferences interface has been redesigned using HTML5 for improved usability.

Feature Options

  • The Content Security Policy allows institutions to enable a content security policy that restricts custom JavaScript for an institution’s Canvas account and whitelist up to 50 domains.
  • For institutions using the New Gradebook, the Final Grade Override option is treated as a course setting and is persistent for all graders in the course. And in account-level Reports, the New Gradebook Final Grade Override scores are included in the Grade Export and Multiple Grading Periods Grade Export reports.

External Tools (LTI)

  • For institutions using the Commons LTI, the Filter window in the Search page includes wider spacing between icons and for search filters. Additionally, status banners have been updated or removed for messaging clarification.

Release notes also include API updates and fixed bugs.

Release notes describe upcoming Canvas functionality and are subject to change.


Feature Options

The following feature options are addressed in this release:

  • Account: Content Security Policy (added)
  • Course: Final Grade Override

Canvas release summary by user roleCanvas New Release ScreencastCanvas Release Collaborative ChatCanvas API Change Log

Release Notes Change Log

New Features


Account Settings

Content Security Policy

This feature can be enabled in Canvas through a feature option in Account Settings. Please view the content below for additional details. For more information about feature options, please see the Canvas Release Notes FAQ.

Feature State


Location to Enable Feature

Account Settings

Configuration Details

Contact Customer Success Manager

Affected Canvas Areas

Account Settings - Security Tab

Beta/Test Environment Support



Account-level settings - manage

Related APIs

Content Security Policy Settings (beta)

Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles




Admins can enable a content security policy that restricts custom JavaScript for an institution’s Canvas account and whitelist up to 50 domains. Subdomains can inherit the policy and whitelist from the main account or create their own policy.


Change Benefit

This change allows admins to manage their own content security policy and domain whitelist.

Affected User Roles & Behaviors


When enabled, Account Settings displays a Security tab that manages an account’s content security policy and manage the whitelist. The whitelist can be enabled and disabled by the admin at any time.

Each policy includes a Whitelist section that can support up to 50 individual domain names. Using wild cards within a domain is recommended. Canvas and Instructure domains are included automatically and do not count against the 50 domain limit.

Content Security Policy page in account settings

Domains from installed LTI tools are automatically added to the whitelist and also do not count against the 50 domain limit. To remove a domain for an LTI tool, the LTI tool must be removed from the account or subaccount. Associated tools are only listed once in the list of whitelisted tool domains, even if they have been installed in multiple subaccounts.

Content security policy LTI tools

Subdomains can inherit the policy and whitelist from the main account or create their own policy.

Subdomain page for content security policy

Any courses that reside in a domain or subdomain with an enabled content security policy display a Content Security Policy checkbox. This checkbox can only be managed by a Canvas admin and can be used to disable the policy for selected courses.

Course Settings Content Security Policy Checkbox managed by Admins

Feature Idea Contributions

Canvas features are always welcome to feedback. Product teams may make adjustments at any time via the Canvas Feature Idea process.

Updated Features



BigBlueButton Interface Redesign

Location to Enable Feature

Conferences Interface

Configuration Details


Affected Canvas Areas


Beta Environment Support

Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles

All Users                                           


The BigBlueButton Conferences interface has been redesigned using HTML5 for improved usability.


The new Conferences interface is not supported on Internet Explorer or Edge browsers. For best results, BigBlueButton recommends using Firefox or Chrome on desktop and Safari or Chrome on mobile devices.

Premium tier customers can choose to opt out of the new interface by contacting BigBlueButton support. All other Canvas users with questions about using the new interface should contact their Customer Success Manager.


Change Benefit

This change makes the Conferences interface faster and easier to use and removes the requirement for extensions or plugins.

Affected User Roles & Behaviors

All Users

The new BigBlueButton Conferences interface provides improved usability and performance for all users. Users can still participate in a conference using their computer microphone and webcam, communicate using public and private chat, share notes, and annotate presentations using the multi-user whiteboard. Users can select between viewing the presentation area or displaying webcams only.

BigBlueButton Conference New Interface with HTML5

Shared Notes includes additional functionality for formatting notes text. Users can also export their notes to an HTML, TXT, DOC, PDF, or ODC file. There is now a single Shared Notes window; opening additional notes windows is no longer supported.

Shared Notes page

The Conferences interface supports a Settings menu that includes new features for improved usability. Users can now enable icon animations that highlight conference participants who are speaking and audio and popup alerts for chat notifications. The Settings menu also includes options to disable webcams and desktop sharing to improve bandwidth. These data saving options are intended for use on mobile browsers but can be enabled on any device. Additionally the Settings menu includes previously-available options to select a default language and fault size.

Conferences Settings

The Settings menu also includes an option to enable closed captioning in a conference. Closed captioning options are not currently supported in the HTML5 client of the Conferences interface. These features will be supported in a future release.


Presenters can upload a YouTube video to a conference. When the video is playing, all users will see the same playback time and speed that is selected by the presenter. However, users can enable their own captions. Shared YouTube videos will not appear in conference recordings.

YouTube integration

YouTube within the conference window

When uploading a presentation file, presenters can upload multiple files at the same time.

Presenter files multiple uploads

Screen sharing is only supported through WebRTC. Previously, presenters could select to use WebRTC or Java for screen sharing. Screen sharing is only supported in Chrome and Firefox browsers on desktop.

Presenter screensharing window

Users may experience errors if the screen that is shared includes the Conferences interface. To correct these errors, simply share another window or application that does not display the Conferences interface.

Poll results are now only viewable to presenters after results have been published. Previously, poll results would display to presenters in real time.

Feature Idea Contributions

Canvas features are always welcome to feedback. Product teams may make adjustments at any time via the Canvas Feature Idea process.

New Gradebook

Final Grade Override Setting Persistence

This feature is used in conjunction with feature options in Canvas. Please view the content below for additional details. For more information about LTI tools, please see the Canvas Release Notes FAQ.

Location to Enable Feature

New Gradebook, Individual Gradebook

Configuration Details

New Gradebook Feature Option

Final Grade Override Feature Option

Affected Canvas Areas

New Gradebook, SpeedGrader, Student Grades

Related APIs

Enrollments API

Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles




The Final Grade Override option in the New Gradebook is treated as a course setting and is persistent for all graders in the course. When enabled in the New Gradebook, the Override column displays for all other instructors who view the New Gradebook or the Individual View Gradebook.


Change Benefit

This change provides viewing consistency for all graders in the Gradebook.

Affected User Roles & Behaviors


When a grader such as an instructor or TA enables the Final Grade Override option in the New Gradebook Settings Menu, the setting is applied for all graders in the course. All other graders who view the New Gradebook will see the Override column if it has been enabled by another instructor. Likewise, the Override column will be hidden if disabled as an option by another instructor.

Feature Idea Contributions

Grade Override as a course feature


Canvas features are always welcome to feedback. Product teams may make adjustments at any time via the Canvas Feature Idea process.


Final Grade Override Column

This feature is used in conjunction with feature options in Canvas. Please view the content below for additional details. For more information about LTI tools, please see the Canvas Release Notes FAQ.

Location to Enable Feature

Account Settings - Reports

Configuration Details


Affected Canvas Areas


Beta/Test Environment Support



Courses - View Usage Reports

Related APIs

Account Reports API

Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles




New Gradebook Final Grade Override scores are included in the Grade Export and Multiple Grading Periods Grade Export reports. Grades are displayed in the override_score column.


Change Benefit

This change helps admins view final grade overrides in grading reports if the Final Grade Override feature option has been allowed or turned on in an account.

Affected User Roles & Behaviors


When the Final Grade Override feature option has been allowed or turned on in an account, the Grade Export and Multiple Grading Periods Grade Export reports include the override_score column.

Feature Idea Contributions

Canvas features are always welcome to feedback. Product teams may make adjustments at any time via the Canvas Feature Idea process.

Other Updates



These features are used in conjunction with an external tool (LTI) in Canvas. Please view the content below for additional details. For more information about LTI tools, please see the Canvas Release Notes FAQ.

Location to Enable Feature

Commons LTI

Configuration Details

Commons LTI

Affected Canvas Areas

Commons LTI

Any area with imported content

Beta/Test Environment Support

Functionality affects content in the beta environment only; New/updated features not available until production release


Course Content - add / edit / delete

Discussions - view

Assignments and Quizzes - add / edit / delete

Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles



Filter Tray



The Filter window in the Commons Search page includes wider spacing between icons and for search filters.


Change Benefit

This change improves accessibility with an updated design.

Affected User Roles & Behaviors


When searching Commons, instructors can more easily filter resources with the updated filter design.

Commons Filter Tray 

Status Banners



Status banners have been updated or removed for messaging clarification.


Change Benefit

This update simplifies and clarifies existing banner messages and removes redundant messages in Commons.

Affected User Roles & Behaviors


Various messages have been updated or removed from the interface.

  • Messages do not display for sharing a new resource or when an instructor views a resource that is still processing, including messages for successful and failed sharing.
  • Success and Failure messages still appear in the Preview area while a resource is processing.
  • Import status banner message text has been updated for clarity.

Commons Messages

Course Import

Pages Terminology


Location to Enable Feature

Course Import

Affected Canvas Areas

Course Import

Beta/Test Environment Support



Course Content - add / edit / delete

Related APIs

Content Migrations API

Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles

Instructors, Admins



In the Course Import Tool, Wiki Pages terminology has been changed to Pages.

Change Benefit

This change aligns consistency with Pages terminology throughout Canvas.

Affected User Roles & Behaviors

Instructors, Admins

When an instructor or admin uses the Course Import Tool and selects specific content to import or copy, the Wiki Pages section heading has been renamed to Pages.




API Change Log

Adjustments have been made to the following APIs as noted in the API Documentation change log:

  • Submissions API
  • Users API

Plagiarism Detection Platform

LTI Tool Assignment Associations


Location to Enable Feature


Configuration Details

Plagiarism Detection Platform API

Affected Canvas Areas


Beta/Test Environment Support


Affects User Interface


Affected User Roles

Instructors, Admins


LTI tools that use the plagiarism platform in an account retain associations with assignments if the tool is removed and re-added at a later date.

Change Benefit

This change helps instructors save time from having to individually edit existing assignments and re-associate the LTI tool.

Affected User Roles & Behaviors

Instructors, Admins

Admins or Instructors who remove and re-add an External Tool (LTI) that uses the plagiarism platform will not have to edit any assignments to re-associate the LTI tool.

Fixed Bugs



Course Import

The Content Import page error text and error report link can be read by screen readers.


Dashboard View menu items are read to screen readers according to their menu position.


Keyboard users can add submissions to ePortfolios.


The Hide/Show Details button in the student Grades page does not include a custom aria-relevant label.

Grading Schemes

Grading scheme buttons include contextual labels for screen readers.


The Outcomes ratings table has been refactored as a data table for screen readers.

Theme Editor

The Create Theme Based on menu button can be read by screen readers.

The Delete This Theme window retains focus until either Delete or Cancel are selected.


xAPI with LTI Tools

Links within the xAPI with LTI tools documentation direct to their intended location.

Explanation: When a user accessed a link within the xAPI with LTI tools documentation, the links generated an error. Canvas code has been updated to correct the links within the page.

Source Code-16.png Canvas open source contributions: Update xAPI links


Authentication Refresh Tokens

Newly generated refresh tokens return the correct access_token value.

Explanation: When a refresh token was generated multiple times within five seconds, a null access_token value was returned on subsequent calls after the first. Canvas code has been updated to return access_token values correctly.


Firefox ESR Minimum Requirement Banner

The browser minimum requirement banner only displays for Firefox ESR browsers older than version 60.

Explanation: When a user accessed Canvas in a browser older than version 64 in Firefox, the browser displayed a banner noting that the browser did not meet the minimum requirements for Canvas. This behavior occurred intentionally to more closely aligned browser alerts with supported versions. To avoid alerting users of Firefox ESR, which is not officially supported but is used by some customers, Canvas code has been updated to only alert versions before Firefox 60. This change does not affect the supported versions in Canvas but removes the banner to improve the user experience. The banner will continue to alert users of Chrome versions older than 66, as Chrome does not have a specific ESR version designation.


Copyright Resource Additional Info Tooltip

In the Resource Details page, the license info for a copyrighted resource displays additional info in a tooltip.

Explanation: When a user hovered over the license info in the Resource Details page for a copyrighted resource, the additional info did not display. Canvas code has been updated to display tooltips for copyrighted resources.

Course Import

Copy a Canvas Course Option and Future Restricted Courses

The Copy a Canvas Course option uses active term dates to display available courses in the drop-down list.

Explanation: When a course was copied using the Course Import Tool, future courses that instructors did not have access to displayed in the drop-down list. Attempting to import content from a future course caused the import to fail. Canvas code has been updated to use active term dates to display available courses and disregard future courses. This behavior does not affect courses whose term dates have ended or future courses where instructors have access before the start date.


Edge Page Jumps

In the Edge browser, scrolling down a page with a rubric open retains the location of the page scroll.

Explanation: When a user was viewing a rubric and scrolled down the page using the Edge browser, the page jumped back to the top every five seconds. This behavior affected Edge version 42. Canvas code has been updated to retain the location of a page scroll when viewing a rubric.

SIS Import

Timestamp Update

Abort SIS Import updates the updated_at column.

Explanation: When an SIS import was aborted, the timestamp was not updated and did not show the time of import. Canvas code has been updated to update the updated_at timestamp.

Release Notes Change Log



Removed—Fixed Bugs

  • Files: Google LTI Upload State

Added—Fixed Bugs

  • Browsers: Firefox ESR Minimum Requirement Banner

Changed—Fixed Bugs

  • Course Import: Copy a Canvas Course Option and Future Restricted Courses
    • Clarified that future courses are defined as courses that instructors do not have permission to access

Added—Fixed Bugs

  • SIS Import: Timestamp Update
2019-04-08Release Notes Published

Change Log

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