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New Analytics Users

Be involved with the latest updates and changes to New Analytics in Canvas LMS. Includes known issues, FAQ, and release notes.

Feature Timeline

Subscribe to this group for updates to enhancements and features.

Oct 2019

Analytics is generally available and the existing analytics functionality is deprecated.

July 2021

Attendance is included as a report in course-level analytics.

  • Canvas Release Notes (2021-08-21)
  • TBA 2022

    Account-level analytics includes a new design and additional features.

    New Analytics Users Discussions

    New Analytics Users questions and discussion forum

    I'm trying to calculate the average number of students who have viewed at least 1 page on the site per week. So far, not getting anywhere because I need to be able to see unique page views rather than just 'page views'. Any ideas how to get this out ...

    Community Explorer
    New Analytics Users
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    In a course's People list, each user has their total activity (hh:mm:ss) listed. Is there any way a teacher in the course could export this data as a report? Or as an admin, for the entire account activity? It would be ideal if admins could report on...

    • 1 Replies

    To follow standard best practices in online courses, we require our facilitators to send welcome messages (sometimes more than one) to participants before the course is published.  The roster in grades and people shows student logins or SIS ID's (whi...

    Community Explorer
    New Analytics Users
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    It would be immensely helpful if the Canvas Sys Admin (or course teacher if that was possible) was able to see the progress New Analytics was making.  If it goes over 24 hours, usually teachers will contact support thinking something is wrong, and th...

    Community Explorer
    New Analytics Users
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    Admin Analytics > Student  It would be helpful to have the ability to add student grade or email column to the Student Detail on the Admin Analytics page. 

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    Is there a specific reason why New Analytics's Message Students feature doesn't include Observers like its Grades counterpart?  It would be a nice add to this feature as our teachers would like to message observers and students about their overall gr...

    Community Coach Community Coach
    New Analytics Users
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    Hi, I'm pretty late to this party. My institution had enabled New Analytics before I joined the team, but for some reason had not enabled the online attendance dashboard, so I just turned it on. It does not seem to be a way to sync this attendance "s...

    Community Participant
    New Analytics Users
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    Hello - my institution is looking to watch grade book usage for various upcoming semesters. I have gone into new analytics, set the term and gone to the “course” section. The report I am watching is the “feature use” report. Right now, it is showing ...

    • 2 Replies

    In reviewing some analytics for some spring courses, our "page views" counts seem to be really high.  For example, we have a 7 week course with 39 students and the home page shows more than 5K views.   Others for example for 1 discussion question, it...

    Community Explorer
    New Analytics Users
    • 2 Replies

    Could there be a way to apply a filter to the analytics produced for average grades to omit missing assignments from that?   Sometimes I want to see that faculty member's average assigned score to see how they are grading students; when I have the mi...

    Community Explorer
    New Analytics Users
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    In looking through your online documentation for Online Attendance it was noted that you are working on allowing sub-account admins to set the standard for online attendance. We recently asked our CSM and she followed up and said it is not in the wor...

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    New Analytics Users
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    Lots of questions and requests; crickets from Canvas. 

    Community Participant
    New Analytics Users
    • 5 Replies

    Even though some workarounds have been pointed out for other parts of Canvas, so users can see Mon-Sun weeks (like changing the language settings to English UK), that does not work when running the New Analytics Online Attendance option. It would be ...

    • 2 Replies

    1. Can it be opened in full screen to avoid scrolling?2. Will you build an export function for SIS's like Anthology Student?Thank you.Dr. Kiko Suarez

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    Hello,A suggestion for implementing preferences for email templates and  trigger preferences, so that "Message Students Who..." emails could be automated!- Mark

    • 1 Replies

    Our teachers are enrolled into multiple class sections within a course and they would like to be able to see the NA data across just their class sections instead of viewing the data for the entire cohort.We are aware of the class section filter, but ...

    Community Participant
    New Analytics Users
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    In New Analytics, when a page with images is loaded it seems that Canvas counts the load of each image on the page as an individual file view, whereas these are just components of the page, users aren't actually choosing to navigate to those image fi...

    • 16 Replies

    I find the most useful data in New Analytics to be the page views and participations week by week, where I can click on the link for a given week to get more granular data (see screenshot below) but the path I use to get there is ridiculously indirec...

    Community Champion
    New Analytics Users
    • 1 Replies

    Hi, I would like to perform custom analytics on the Course activity report.csv file that is generated within the New Analytics tool. I am trying to figure out how to make a call to the graphQL api to download the report because I want to run it in a ...

    • 4 Replies

    The inclusion of images seems unnecessary as images are embedded on pages, assignment instructions, etc. If a student views a page they are also viewing the image that is embedded on the page.  While I do not use many graphics I imagine others use or...

    Community Champion
    New Analytics Users
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    Can you design the 'Attendance' dashboard so that it can be viewed in dynamic graphs and download it in .csv format?

    Community Explorer
    New Analytics Users
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    Can Canvas Online Attendance be synced to a SIS, like Skyward? If not, could this be a feature that we could see in the future? 

    • 1 Replies

    Looking to discuss this feature from Online Attendance Update: Allow instructors to set attendance criteria at the course level? Post a reply and start a conversation!

    • 5 Replies

    Hello community, can you help me with my problem.I created a course last week and I have shared it with my students and my students enter the course but in Analytics i find that "Course data is being processed. Come back in 24 hours". Although it has...

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    New Analytics Users
    • 2 Replies

    Is there a location where we can check statistics on students clicking into course announcements? I would like to be able to see an overview of the activity per posted announcement and the ability to drill down and see which students are checking the...

    Community Explorer
    New Analytics Users
    • 3 Replies

    With New Analytics, teachers can view the number of students who visited a page/item (as well as a total number of visits). They can also select a student to see the specific pages/items that student has viewed.  Is there a way to flip this around: i...

    Community Explorer
    New Analytics Users
    • 2 Replies

    Greetings, I teach for two different districts. At one district I have the choice of disabling New Analytics to continue to use the Analytics. For my purposes, the Analytics works better. At the other district I do not have the option under settings>...

    • 1 Replies

    According to the guide, under Student Card Details, the submission date and time should display, but it does not. I have not found this under known issues From

    • 1 Replies

    Hopefully this message goes to an actual Canvas developer for the "New Analytics." The newer version of the student view tabular data keeps the Page Views and Participation but neglected to include the Submissions, On-Time, Late, and Missing data col...

    Community Member
    New Analytics Users
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    Looking to discuss this feature from the 2021-08-21 Release Notes? Post a reply and start a conversation! POSTING GUIDELINES This topic is for specific feature discussion only—please share use cases, best practices, etc. regarding this feature announ...

    • 47 Replies
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