A Mid Winter Canvas Stock Take - TTWWADI

Community Champion

It’s mid-winter here in Tasmania. Time to hunker down by the fire or brave the elements when well wrapped up. However, a brisk walk in the snow up our mountain and Dark Mofo were well worth rugging up for this past weekend. Dark Mofo numbers break records, as thousands brave Hobart's wintery weather - ABC News (Australian ...  Mind you I avoided the nude swim on the shortest day!


It does remind me that sometimes it’s preferable to stay comfy and warm inside, but with a bit of effort and time you can still have adventures and fun. Not dissimilar to staying comfortable with a way of teaching, or a favourite tech tool, when with a wee bit of effort and time extra adventures can take place.


Ian Jukes (Ian Jukes - Springboard21 ) was a keynote speaker at a conference in Auckland over a decade ago.  He introduced me to TTWWADI. That’s The Way We Always Do It. And he made me push myself in all sorts of ways with my teaching, some successful and some total disasters (that I learned from - of course). I bumped into a TTWWADI conundrum online today too TTWWADI | The Thinking Stick . Made me think.


I’m in a new role at work and have to challenge myself, rather than relying on TTWWADI. It’s oh so tempting to stay snuggled up inside my own comfort zone, but I know I need to wrap up warm and step outside for an adventure. Some tried and true skills and knowledge will still be used but there's a whole lot more for me to learn and try. Bring on the new adventures! 


Recently my new buddy from Virginia faustj1‌ was kind enough to share some amazing work that he and his team have created to support teachers in their district. Through the wonders of our Canvas Community Jeff has been such an amazing colleague across the globe and given me food for thought and a challenge to work on. Thanks Jeff. 


Here's a story of how we changed our presentations as an example. Presenting with Canvas – no more power points! 


Have you got a case of TTWWADI (That's The Way We've Always Done It) that you are battling with? 

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