[ARCHIVED] What's on your plate?

Community Champion

Teachers are such busy people. We get pulled in so many different directions during the course of a school day/week/year.


Sometimes engaging already busy teachers with Canvas can be a real challenge.


Perhaps a way to encourage teachers to use Canvas could be by first looking at and acknowledging what is on their plates then looking at the different ways that Canvas can support them in dealing with some of the things that are piling up.


Here are a few examples:



Assessment and the Little People

What assignment types can I create in a course?


Communication in Canvas  


laurakgibbs is the Queen of curation. Check her out here in the Community.

Just one example here. Feedback Resources Padlet in Canvas


Differentiation and Personalised Learning

Student well being

Smiling Mind  https://www.gonoodle.com/  


snufer is also a great person to follow in the Community. Here are some of his ideas. 

Embedding Content in Canvas, or: How I Learned to Stop Being Bland and Make My Content Amazing

How I Learned to Stop Being Bland and Make My Content Amazing


Solution Fluency Activity Planner  

Invigorating English 

Invigorating English – Encouraging Writing Within Canvas K-6

Time to learn new things

Horse Before the Cart. Purpose first, Canvas second.

Too many meetings!

Perhaps consider using Collaborations to set agendas, keep minutes, or conducts the meeting in. 

How do I use the Collaborations Index Page? 

or Collaborations – Changed my world!  


When pondering what’s on teachers plates and considering what can be done to support them it doesn’t have to be all about Canvas. Perhaps look at tools that improve:


The 12 Best Pomodoro Timer Apps to Boost Your Productivity  


22 Mindfulness Exercises, Techniques & Activities For Adults (+ PDF's)  


I’m sure I’ve missed a few. What ideas can you offer to help people with what is on their plates?






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