Social-Emotional Learning

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Social-emotional learning is a way to foster education in more than just the typical Math, English, and Science. It gives students an understanding of how to treat others, as well as themselves. A way to start this process, at any age, is through books. 

1. The Invisible Boy by Patrice Barton

The Invisible Boy is a way for students ages K-3 to understand how to make others feel included, despite any differences. This can teach them lifelong skills that help to grow their relationships with others.

2. Breathing Makes it Better by Christopher Willard and Wendy O'Leary

This book is perfect for middle-aged children learning to handle new emotions, such as anxiety. With this book, children can learn different ways to cope with their feelings and understand how to process them, to move forward. 

3. The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

The Hate U Give is a book that has started revolutions. Although controversial, this book can be taught as a way to show personal development, mental health, and standing up for what you believe to High School students. 

By using books such as these, students can learn how to better manage themselves and their relationships with others. This type of education may not be typical, yet it is vital to shape the young minds of future leaders.