[ARCHIVED] A question about user accounts on turnitin.com...

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A couple of questions about turnitin.com (TII) and Canvas:

1) Do the accounts created within TII through Canvas count towards an overall limit of accounts we have on TII?  Example:  Every time a teacher assigns an assignment that has to be turned in through TII, does that create a new account for that student, or does each student only have one account?  I hope that makes sense.

2) Is there a way to delete TII user accounts that have been created through Canvas?  Or is deleting the assignment the only way to get rid of that specific account?

The reason I'm asking is because we are continually reaching our limit of accounts through TII and we should have more than enough accounts for each student at our school.  We are keeping in mind, that we need to get rid of graduating seniors to continue to create space for incoming students.

Thanks so much!

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1 Solution
Community Champion

 @mtomlinson1 ‌, in answer to your first question, it keeps each assignment with the same user so it is not creating users each time.  If you log into turnitin you can see that each user has all the assignments that they have submitted attached to them. 

Basically, like most systems, turnitin assigns each user a unique ID and that is how everything is tracked.  Canvas then is just passing the username to turnitin and it then matches everything up.

You can log into turnitin and delete users by hitting the little trash can next to their name.  The only issue is I am not sure how you tell which ones came from Canvas and which were already in Turnitin.

Hope that helps!


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