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How do I enable Turnitin for assignments on Canvas?

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Hi @ClaudiaWier ...

Turnitin is a third-party LTI external app that connects/integrates with Canvas.  You will need to first talk with your school's local Canvas administrator or someone from your school's Online Learning/eLearning department to see if they have added this integration to your school's Canvas environment.  I would recommend using one of the "Helpful Links" listed on your school's website: Ohio State: CarmenCanvas.  Turnitin is normally added at the Canvas account level ... which means that it would be available for all courses and not just your course(s) in Ohio State's Canvas environment.  Folks at your school should be able to help you in determining if Turnitin has been integrated into Canvas or not.

I hope this will be of some help to you, Claudia.  Good luck in your quest for answers!

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@profucsd ...

Sorry that you feel that my above response was not a full answer to the initial question that @ClaudiaWier had asked last month.  I tried to answer the question as best as I could, and Claudia has not yet responded back...so we don't really know if my response helped to answer her question or not.

There are two main ways (that I know of) that you can integrate Turnitin with a Canvas assignment.  I'll provide videos I found on YouTube for your reference, but please know these instructions may differ slightly compared to what you see on your screen...in which case, you'd want to reach out to your Canvas administrators at the University of California San Diego to get specifics.

Method #1 (start just after the 4-minute mark)

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Method #2

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There are many other videos you can find on YouTube by searching for the words "Turnitin Canvas" (without the quotes).  Many of the videos are about the initial setup, but there are also videos about how to grade work after students submit work to you via the Turnitin interface.  Hopefully the videos I found for you and the videos you may find on YouTube will be of some help.

I would encourage you to reach out to your school's local Canvas administrator or someone from your school's Online Learning / eLearning department should you have specific questions about the kind of integration that your school has set up between Turnitin and Canvas.  We here in the Community wouldn't know what that is because we do not have access to your school's Canvas environment or your course(s) in question.  Folks at your school who work with Canvas should be able to tell you this information.

Good luck, and I hope this helps!

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Thank you for this information. I went to Google and found the information, so I'm all set for getting the assignment posted. Your other recommendations will surely be useful.

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Hello everyone,

It’s Maryna, Community Manager from Turnitin. I will be glad to share some of the available resources about our products or provide info on how to get in touch with our Support Team to solve your issues. Please let me know if you have any other questions or need any additional guides.

Please visit our new help center to find answers to your question: https://supportcenter.turnitin.com/s/. If you’re still having issues, please email us at tiisupport@turnitin.com.

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