[ARCHIVED] Adding a teacher to my Homeroom Course

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I need to ad a teacher assistant to my Homeroom Course.  When I follow the instructions to add a person to a course, the People tab on the side bar says "disabled" and when I click the People tab, I only see my students.  The "add group" icon is there, but not the "add people" icon, which only appears in my Sandbox.  How can I enable the function so that I can add the additional teacher.

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi,  @julie_daly  Welcome to the Canvas Community! The ability to add people has been disabled in your course because your district handles course enrollments on teachers' behalf. Please reach out to the local Canvas admin or eLearning department for the district to request that the teacher be added to the course.

Good luck, and stay safe. Smiley Happy

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