[ARCHIVED] Administrative assignments associated with a student

Community Champion

Has anyone used an administrative assignment associated with a student? For example, we have several courses where another faculty member (not the examiner) does an assessment of a student. For example, the contents of this assessment could be a fine-grained version of the learning outcomes for the course.  This assessment is input to the examiner for the final grade.

These assessments should not be visible to the student, although the person doing the assessment may discuss elements of the assessment with the student. It is important that this assessment is only visible to the teachers in a given course and that it be treated as an aid to memory, rather that as a formal decision.

The only approach to this that I see (at the present) is to make an entry in a custom column that contains a URL to a document (in Box or some other document storage system) which contains the assessment.

Has anyone else addressed this or a similar problem?

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