[ARCHIVED] Agree to code of conduct

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Best method where students must agree to code of conduct prior to start of course? Note this is without using the Canvas catalog. I would assume this would be a quiz? Google doc? Is there a way to add user fields such as name/email etc?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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Hi Gail, 

I did this as a quiz at a previous college for the Syllabus Confirmation.  I had students type out a sentence provided to them and made them include their name (I, THEIR NAME...) and mentioned that this was in lieu of their legal signature.  We then had all of the rest of the Modules locked to the students until this was submitted. Just need to make sure that the faculty don't change the settings on the course! Hope this helps!

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We simply have students review the syllabus and "Mark as done" in the Getting Started module of each course.  In our orientation, we train students that by acknowledging the syllabus in this way, they are agreeing to the policies and conduct guidelines contained therein.

Of course, we are a military school, so our folks are used to this kind of thing....

Review the Syllabus - Mark as Done

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