[ARCHIVED] Can I use a narrative rubric -- one that doesn't have numbers at the top?

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We want to use Standards Based Grading for World Language, but when importing rubrics, there is an error message if I don't change "Exceeds Expectations" to 5.

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 @david_campbell1 ,

You can have pointless rubrics. 

Some people call them rubrics without points and Canvas calls allows you to "Remove points from rubric", but I it gives me an internal chuckle every time I say pointless rubrics.

When you create them, you must assign numeric points and a title to each rating (the long description is optional). The title does not have to be a number. The points let Canvas know the order for the criterion ratings. In the absence of points, or if all of the points are the same, then Canvas alphabetizes the ratings. That's probably not a good idea when you have "Exceeds expectations", "Acceptable", and "Lacking." This lesson from the Canvas Instructor Guide explains more: How do I add a rubric in a course?  

When you use them, you have the ability to remove the points using the Rubric Settings. More information is available in this lesson from the Canvas Instructor Guide: How do I add a rubric to an assignment?

Note that if you click the Edit Rubric, Canvas may throw up a warning about editing the rubric creating copies. This is only if you actually change the content within the rubric. Editing only the settings for the rubric does not cause a copy to be created.

One thing that confuses me about your question is that you mentioned "importing" rubrics. Canvas does not have a native tool for importing Rubrics. There is a tool I wrote to import rubrics from a spreadsheet to save time retyping them inside Canvas, but that's not part of Canvas. That's why I focused on the number aspect of things. You can import Outcomes and there is a specific format that you must follow. If you deviate from that format, then it will fail. This lesson from the Canvas Instructor Guide explains more about importing rubrics: How do I import outcomes for a course? 

You also mentioned narrative at the top. I took that to mean text rather than a number. There is a rubric setting to allow free-form comments when assessing that completely removes the numbers and the ratings that you click on and you type everything. Again, I don't think that's what you meant when you said narrative, but some people might mean it that way so I mentioned it.

Since I've mentioned the Canvas Instructor Guide three times, I thought I would also provide a link directly to it in case there are other lessons there that may help. Canvas Instructor Guide

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