[ARCHIVED] Canvas Studio Custom Sharing Groups

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I have an instructor role in my course section and I am currently trying to create custom sharing groups in Canvas Studio. For some reason, when I type in the names of people in my course section their names don't show up. Other students names appear, but for some reason I can't add others that are registered for the course and have already accepted the invitation. Is this because those users have yet to access Canvas Studio? 

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Community Coach

Hello @cmidyett15 ...

Yes, I think you've hit the nail on the head.  If I recall correctly, if a student has never accessed the Studio interface, you wouldn't be able to search and find their name.  This is because Studio is essentially an external tool, and I believe Studio needs to authenticate a user's e-mail address the first time someone accesses Studio within Canvas.  After that happens, you should be able to search for someone's name.  Hope this helps.

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