[ARCHIVED] Change quiz settings for whole course, all students.

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I’m online sem teacher. BOM Semester 1 course does not enable students to view/take quizzes. How can I change that in settings so that my students can take practice quizzes?

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1 Solution
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Publishing isn't new. The unpublished state exists so that instructors can create an item in Canvas and edit it without it being seen before it's ready. For quizzes, publishing/unpublishing can also a way to control access until a designated time frame. It's not necessary to open every quiz to publish it, you can navigate to your quizzes index page and click the publish/unpublish icon at the end of each item listing to publish it. 

Institutions set up course content differently. Some centrally build it and then send it out to instructors, while at other institutions instructors build their own content. If content was pushed out to your courses, those quizzes may have been in the published state when they where sent to you and would explain why you didn't need to do anything to them last semester. 

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