[ARCHIVED] Creating a Journal Assignment - students resubmitting and adding to submissions

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I am an instructional designer trying to create a journal-like assignment for an adult basic education course. Students will fill out a graphic organizer in module 1 and submit. Then they will go to module 2 , and what I would like them to be able to do is review their previous submission from Module 1, add to it and resubmit in Module 2. They will essentially “ grow” their organizer , in the way you would a journal, over several modules. The teacher can see all the submissions, but students can’t , which is also a feature that should change. This is a common reflective learning practice- so surprising canvas doesn’t have this feature.

 What do you think would be the best work around ? this needs to be simple and straight forward as students have very limited experience with canvas and I don’t want to create any barriers.


 Also how to get canvas to add this journal  feature.?

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