[ARCHIVED] Creating a “subsection” of students?

Community Member

I teach a course that has the students divided into three lab sections that meet on different days of the week. Enrollment in the sections is managed by our SIS, so I cannot move students from one section to another. 

During this pandemic, each section has been further subdivided into three subsections (by me) for social distancing. Each subsection is given a different weekly assignment and they rotate through these assignments every three weeks (ie: one set of students has a literature assignment on week 1, one set of students has a virtual lab assignment on week 1, one set of students has an in-person lab assignment on week 1; next week everyone will have a different assignment).

Is there an easy way that I’m missing to “group” students into “subsections” or “sets” or something else in Canvas so that I can quickly assign due dates for these individual assignments to one subsection at a time without having to manually enter each individual student’s name into each assignment for each of the nine possible due dates?

Right now, I’m having to type each student’s name one-at-a-time, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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