[ARCHIVED] Discussions - Students' view after, "Mark All as Read" chosen by Instructor

Community Participant

I have a course with 11 Discussion Groups.  Students post responses to Discussions for that week - i.e., over a 14-week semester, they are posting to (at least) 14 Group Discussions.

Each week, I review their posts.  I'd like to account for that review by making sure that all of their posts are noted via the, "Mark All as Read" feature.

This is where I'm a bit confused, and will concede that I may be missing something.

After students have posted to a Discussion:

  • I visit the 'home page' of that week's Discussion
  • I see a list of all of the Groups on the left
  • Across from each Group, on the right, there are two small #'s adjacent to each other:
    • the # highlighted in blue represents the # of posts I have not marked as read,
    • the # highlighted in black represents the total # of posts from that Group
  • At this same "home page" of that week's Discussion, there is a 3-dot drop-down menu, with the first option of "Mark All as Read."
  • While it would be great if I could simply choose that option, "Mark All as Read," to indicate that I have read all Groups' Discussion posts, choosing that option at this "home page" of that week's Discussion seems to result in .... nothing.  The numbers representing posts that I've read do not change.
  • I've figured out that I have to go into each of the 11 weekly Groups' Discussions, choose the same, "Mark All as Read" for only one Group at-a-time for that Discussion, in order for Canvas to change the indication that the posts were read.

My questions:

  • When I choose, "Mark All as Read" for a Groups' posts to a Discussion, what do students see?
  • Is there a way that Canvas will display "All as Read," if I choose, "Mark All as Read" from each Discussion's "home page?"
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