[ARCHIVED] Docviewer Point Comments Aren't Displaying

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Community Champion

I've looked for answers in a couple different places, and decided to push this out to you all, hoping for answer.

I have a faculty who added multiple point comments to a student submission last week in Speedgrader. Out of seven points, only two have instructor comments that show. We can click on the point and it shows the instructor's name, but nothing else.

Can anyone point me in the right direction so that we can see the comments? Or, are they really gone? Any help would be appreciated.

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1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi Everyone -- so the solution is that there's a Canvas glitch that is known. If the teacher doesn't press Enter after typing the comment or clicking over in the gray area, the comment isn't saved. Instructure reported that the problem doesn't exist when using Firefox, but I have now had two instructors tell me it has happened to them (after considerable effort in grading) while using Firefox. I am going to amend the issue report to Instructure to let them know we're seeing the problem in Firefox as well.


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