[ARCHIVED] Drawing Tool

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Community Novice

Hi Everyone!

I was wondering if anyone else has come across a drawing tool?

A tool that can be embedded into canvas so the students can use to draw a picture save it and upload it as a picture onto canvas or when a teacher wants to set work to label a diagram or colour in a diagram the teacher can set the work on this type of tool for the students to complete within Canvas... Any ideas please? I would really appreciate your input!

Many thanks

Kind regards

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2 Solutions
Community Member

I have I have tried a few things and found that the ones that work best are Google Drawings, RealTimeBoard, Moxtra (now with LTI integration) and Web Whiteboard​. It depends on what you are doing, but I like Google Drawings the best. They can be embedded on pages and worked on collaboratively. Students can start a drawing, submit it as their assignment in Canvas and teachers can work directly on the drawing or share feedback via comments. Teachers can start a drawing and share it so that students can view only, then students can make a copy and add their own annotations or drawings and submit it as a PDF or PNG in Speedgrader so that teachers can use all the awesome features there to give feedback, grade with rubrics, share video comments, etc.

Check out this example here: Canvas Test - Google Drawings

What do you think? Will this work for what you need?

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Community Contributor

Hi Jared, 

I realize this was two years ago but I am interested in knowing more about this process as it's something I am trying to figure out for an instructor. 

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