[ARCHIVED] Enabling Multiple Submissions

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Enabling Multiple submissions

I have found the guide on allowing multiple submissions, however the guide provided and images does not match the version of Canvas I have.  

I am currently in Edit assignment > Submission Type as per the guide however there is no option to select the number of submissions allowed as is indicated in the guide.

This is the guide I have found, am I looking in the wrong place?


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Community Coach
Community Coach

Good evening,  @jeanne_elliott  Welcome to the Canvas Community.  Thank you for posting your question.  Also, thank you for posting the link to the Guide.  If you look at the section in the Guide called "Select Submission Attempts", there is a "Note" right below the image that says, "If the Submission Attempts setting does not display in your assignment settings, the feature option needs to be enabled in your Course Settings."  The feature option that this sentence is referring to is called "Assignment Allowed Attempts", and it first needs to be turned on by your school's local Canvas administrator or someone in your school's Online Learning/eLearning department.  This feature has three settings at the account level: OFF (not available for any instructors for any courses), ALLOW (instructors can turn it on per course), ON (available for all instructors in all courses).  Your Canvas admin would need to either set this feature option to either ALLOW or ON.  Then, you would see it in your course.  If your Canvas admin sets the option to ON, there is nothing else you would need to do.  If your Canvas admin sets it to ALLOW, then you would need to toggle the switch in each course...following Guides:

Once the feature option has been enabled, you should be able to set the number of attempts for the assignment in your course.

I hope this information will be of help to you, Jeanne.  Please let Community members know if you have any other questions about this...thanks!  Be well...stay safe.

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