[ARCHIVED] Help creating html file that will run upon click

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I have an image which appears in multiple pages linking to an external url.

I'd like to create an html file that will run upon opening and redirect to another site.     

Sort of on the lines of:

 <a href="https://URL" target="_Blank">


When the url changes, rather than having to remember all the pages where I need to update the url link, I would prefer to change the url link once in this file and have all the images that use that url automatically use the new url.

Basically, I want to be "once and done" when updating the url link and have all images update to that new url.

Is this the right way to go about it?

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1 Solution
Community Explorer

Hi Stuart – the use of a url shortening service is a brilliant idea! For whatever reason, I was focused on being able to maintain and change the url within Canvas.

Our university does indeed have a url shortening service they support and in doing some digging, it does indeed allow me to edit the destination url as needed.

So the solution for anyone else who might have this need and access to a url shortening service:

a. Use the shortened url and link to the desired / destination url

b. Link the image / button / text within Canvas to the shortened url

c. When the destination url needs to change, go to the url shortening service and edit the destination url to the new url

End result: the images/buttons/text links in Canvas now link to the new url

Thanks again for stepping in and helping. I really appreciate it!

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