[ARCHIVED] How can I require all group members in a group to reply before gining a grade?

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In my course I want to add a group discussion where all group memebers have to enter a post, before the discussion is marked "done" and students can move on with the mastery-paths Can I configure this in some some way?

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

To piggyback off of what Hildi said, there isn't a direct way to do this but it is possible. 

1. Using Mastery Paths, make it so that students have to get a certain score on the discussion before they can move forward on the mastery path. Then, as the teacher, you wouldn't grade anyone in the group until everyone had submitted to the discussion. Once you entered the grades for everyone in the group, then they'd be free to move forward in the mastery path.

2. Make it a requirement that students have to get a certain grade on this discussion. Then make it a pre-requisite that the students have to meet that requirement before they can access the next Module in the mastery path. Then, similar to #1, as the teacher, you wouldn't grade anyone in the group until everyone had submitted to the discussion. Once you entered the grades for everyone in the group, then they'd be free to move forward to the next module/mastery path. 

Hope this helps! Kona


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