[ARCHIVED] How can you differentiate an automatic enrollment from our SIS vs. a manual student enrollment in Canvas?

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Community Novice

In the enrollment_dim table, I can't tell how to differentiate students who were automatically enrolled in Canvas course sites versus those who an instructor manually added. Is there a variable in the enrollment_fact or dim table (or elsewhere) that can help with this?

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Glen is correct, you would want to see if the sis_source_id column in the enrollment_dim is null, or filled in. Although in the documentation it mentions that the field is deprecated, I have seen that it is still being used and updated.

I would warn though that if an enrollment was added manually to a course and then later was placed in the SIS and updated via SIS, there will only be one record for that enrollment that would show the sis_source_id column filled. It will not have two records for the enrollment.

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