[ARCHIVED] How do I import my.hrw.com assignments into "quizzes"?

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Community Novice

I want to upload the HRW assignments as a quiz so canvas will automatically link the grades to Pinnacle.

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1 Solution
Community Novice

Hi Deanna,

I will admit I have not seen HRW or a system named Pinnacle in use before. I was able to look on your school's site and see that Pinnacle is a system used as a gradebook. As this sounds like a tight integration your School already has in place, I suggest the best option is for you to reach out to the appropriate team on this list Important Phone Numbers / Important Phone Numbers  (which may be the Virtual School support or possibly Exceptional Student Learning Support). Unfortunately, as we are the global community of Canvas users like yourself, we don't have access to your school's Canvas instance or the integrations your school has set up.

I hope that helps and they are able to point you in the right direction.


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