[ARCHIVED] How do I make assignments visible

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I am brand new to canvas. There is a hidden eye next to assignments so my students cannot view them. How do I enable students to see all of the assignments? #hidden eye#assignments not visible 

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Community Champion


I'm not sure if you mean students can't view the grades for their assignments, or the assignments themselves. 

If you mean the eye is appearing on your navbar, you can drag and drop the assignments tab into the navbar. How do I manage Course Navigation links? 

Or you can add them to your modules. https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-12689-415241427 

If you mean the eye is appearing in the gradebook, you need to post the grades for those assignments. You must either have the grade posting policy set to manual, or have hidden the grades at some point. Either way, posting the grades should do the trick. How do I post grades for an assignment in the New Gradebook? 

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