[ARCHIVED] I can't get "previous" and "next" to show up on the mobile app of a module that I'm linking to from a home-page.

Community Novice

As I am setting up my course to be easily navigated by students using mobile devices, I've run into a little snag. When I create a home page with a button that links directly to the first module in a series to be completed, on the ios app it will not show a "previous" or "next" button to move through all the pages in that set. 

But if I bypass the home page and just click "module" myself, then click the first page to be done, "previous" and "next" do appear. I can't figure out how to have the home page link to the same module but show the "previous" and "next" on the bottom. Am I the only one seeing this? My work around is to include links on each page to the previous and next pages myself, but it's laborious. 

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