[ARCHIVED] I want to develop an mobile app that will use the information in user's Canvas account

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I want to develop a mobile app that will use the information in user's Canvas account. Upon Login, a user will be redirected to their canvas login site. Once the user successfully logged in, it will come back to my app and display the needed information fetched from the user's canvas account. How can I achieve that process?

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1 Solution
Community Novice

Hi Yubing,

I will start by saying this is quite a detailed process, I can point you in the right direction on some reading to get started, however, building new apps is generally beyond what we can help with in the forum, normally we focus on pointed issues using the API and things like that.

However, with that in mind, I would start by reading Canvas APIs: Getting started, the practical ins and outs, gotchas, tips, and tricks‌ as you will need to use the Canvas APIs. I would also recommend you take a look at the official Canvas API documentation ( Canvas LMS REST API Documentation  ) as well as specifically the sections around OAUTH authentication. To do what you are looking at, you will need to ensure you correctly implement OAUTH so that users can securely log in with their account.

I will also take the opportunity to share your question with the Canvas Developers‌ group, as there are many good minds in there that may be able to assist you.

I hope that helps get you started!

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