[ARCHIVED] Insights in Canvas Studio

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I am currently taking training regarding Canvas Studio.  One of the questions asks to check all that apply.  In regards to the Insights tab, the training material states that "one user viewing the media multiple times does not affect the graph".  However, I was marked incorrect because I answered the quiz as follows (please see attachment).  I read and re-read the training page and I do not see anywhere that would indicate that the analytics would allow an instructor to see number of views per user, or number of total views for all users.  Can you please help as this is going to lower my grade and I did not answer this incorrectly according to your page regarding Insights.  https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-9687-50736657095 

Thank you!

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You should address this question with the instructor of the course. You've posted your comment in a global community of Canvas users and we don't have access to your particular institution.

That said, the question is messed up. Your answer is the only correct one.

The portion you highlighted refers to to the "All users" portion of the insights. If Sally watches it three times, it is only counted once. 

But there is another portion of the insights -- for each individual student.

The individual insights for each student are binary. You could not tell that Sally watched it three times, only that Sally watched a specific segment of the video. This is a deficiency as knowing which portions were watched multiple times would let us know about sticking points in the video that might be improved.

You can tell which students skipped content (if skipped content means they didn't watch it), but the instructor counted that as wrong.

"Number of total views for all users" is also incorrect. You can tell the total number of users who viewed it, but not the total number of views.for all users.

The playback speed is not given.

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