[ARCHIVED] Issues with Insights

Community Participant

Since there are a few issues, I'm not sure what one idea would be except: Fix all the Insight Issues. 


- Insights are not always accurate. I’ve been told if students view from a web browser on a mobile device and not the Canvas Student app it doesn’t always record the view time.

- Students are not listed in any logical order (alphabetical or by total viewing time) so it becomes cumbersome for using with large classes. 
- Quick link to Insights does not exist in a course if comments are turned off. 
- There’s no usable report to download. 
- All students are listed even if you just assigned it to a group to view.

Our faculty have not been power users of Studio until this recent need to deliver course online that were in-person. We've found quite a few things (listed above) that make Studio unhelpful for the faculty using it beyond just a repository for their videos (or quizzing).  

NOTE: I have requested to be part of the Studio User Group, but no response yet, so I couldn't just post this there. 

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