[ARCHIVED] Low stakes quizzes?

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I am slowly navigating my way through Quizzes.Next and am not seeing the answer to this question.  

  • In Canvas Quizzes, we often create low stakes quizzes by valuing questions as .1 points or .25 points.  Will partial points be possible in Quizzes.Next? 
  • Or is the solution to set the points possible in the "Assignment" to be small and use 1 point per question in Quizzes.Next?



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1 Solution
Community Contributor

Hi  @kroeninm ‌,

Partial credit for multiple answer questions isn't available yet in Quizzes.Next, but you can set the point possible for any question type to be worth less than one point by simply typing the decimal number in the points field when creating/editing a question. 

Quizzes.Next points possible

You might also find the Vary Points by Answer feature of multiple choice questions helpful. This question type can have only one correct answer, but you can award students different amounts of points (or even negative points) based on their selected answer.

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