[ARCHIVED] Multiple Studio Issues

Community Participant

Having a few issues with Studio for some of our teachers that just started this week. All are using Macs running Catalina if that helps. Any help would be appreciated!

1. One teacher has a public YouTube video that she previously created. When she tries to link it into Studio, it says it can't find the URL. Here is the link that she is trying to put into Studio.

2. Next, we have another teacher who wants to add a quiz to one of her Studio videos. When she clicks to create the quiz, she doesn't get the option to create the quiz.  When I masquerade as her, it shows up for me.  

3. Imported an mp4 video into Studio from my desktop.  Audio plays fine on the desktop, when I go to edit it in Studio, there is no sound and the narration option is not on the right.

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