[ARCHIVED] Multiple-choice exam setup

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I have hundreds of multiple-choice questions in a Word file. Is there any way to take some or all of these and get them into a Canvas exam. A way, that is, that won't take hours and hours of copy-and-paste?

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Good morning,  @pkelly2505 ...

There is a product called the Respondus Exam Authoring Tool that allows you to batch upload multiple questions all at one time into Canvas.  I've written an entire blog post about the software and how it works: Batch Uploading Quiz Questions with Respondus‌.

I'm also assuming that since your questions are in a Word document that you do not have them in a QTI file.  But if you did, there is this Guide which may also be of help: How do I import quizzes from QTI packages?.

I hope these resources will be of help to you, Paul.  Sing out if you have any questions.  Stay safe...be well.

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