[ARCHIVED] Open and Self Registration Worries Me but May Need It

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Hello all,

I am hoping that you can give me some ideas here, or at least alleviate my fears.


  • We only add students in our SIS to Canvas
  • We use an LDAP system for authentication and only users in our SIS is in the LDAP

  • Assessment department wants to go to different high schools to give  English and math assessments using Canvas
  • Assessment department will have no advance notice of who the students will be that take the tests until it is time to give the test.
  • These students will not be in our SIS  system
  • These students will not be in our LDAP system

The only way that I can think of to accommodate this request is to use either open or self-registration.  I don't want to open that hole to the world.  Do any of you great folks have a better idea, or can you give me reasons why I should not worry about open or self-registration?

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this.

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1 Solution
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David, some dev work here but you may ideally want a one page web app for the assessment staff that:

  1. Lets them input student names and,
  2. Generates user accounts - displaying account credentials to instructor, and
  3. Enrolls those new accounts in the course.

It'd probably work best as an LTI app, added to a course as needed, accessible only by the instructor. Launching it would pass the course info, including SIS ID, which the app could use in enrolling the new student accounts.

I also don't like the idea of enabling self-registration.  I wish there was an option of generating a secret URL for a course that allowed user account creation and enrollment. Maybe I'm missing something, but it seems that you need to have Self registration enabled for the site, and that adds the "Need a Canvas Account?" link to your Canvas login form, opening things up globally.

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