[ARCHIVED] PayPal refunds and Catalog

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Community Novice

I have noticed that when PayPal issues a refund when a student withdraws from the course, they are not automatically dropped from that course in Catalog.

Is there any way to automate this process with the API connection between PayPal and Catalog to automatically drop a student's course in the Catalog Dashboard? I am sure someone would have come across this issue before? Here is hoping.

Thanks in advance.


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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi  @greg_lawrence ‌,

There are a couple of parts to this:

1. The student can drop themselves from Catalog

2. A teacher or Admin needs to drop them from the course in Canvas but then the Analytics will not go back to Catalog

3. A teacher or admin can masquerade as the student in Catalog and drop the student on their behalf

4. The refunds do not appear in Catalog -- here is my feature request: https://community.canvaslms.com/ideas/11740-have-refunds-appear-in-canvas-catalog-analytics 

These are our workaround so far.


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