[ARCHIVED] Quiz due date vs time accommodations

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If I give students with accommodations additional time on a Canvas exam in the quiz section (let's say the exam is 90 minutes, 1-2:30pm, and I'm giving students with accommodations until 3:15pm to complete it), but I set the due date/time at the time that the rest of the students need to submit by (so that it shows up as late if they submit past 2:30pm) will the students with extra time get the response that their submission is late? Like if these students submit their exam at 3:10pm, even though it's within their additional time accommodations, will Canvas say it's a late submission because it's past the 2:30pm due date/time or will Canvas' due date/time function take into account their extra time accommodations?

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1 Solution
Community Champion

@KatyRose -

I do not know the answer to your question, but I wanted to warn you about a possible problem.  You just mention the due date and time is being used. In that regard regular students that submit after that time will be marked late.  My warning is  that if you want the due date and time to be a hard cutoff - then you would also use the until date.  For the case where your until date and time are the same as the due date and time, nobody can submit after that time frame - even moderated students given extra time.

My advice is for your students with extra time, just add them in their own group at the bottom of the assignment where you get to set the dates and times - default is everyone.  Just add another grouping of students and put the moderated students in it then you can set their date and times as needed.

so regular students 2/15/22 at 1pm due 2/15/22 at 2:30pm,  the moderated students would have  a time frame specified as 2/15/22 at 1pm to 2/15/22 at 3:15pm.  If you do not want students to submit after the due time, just copy it to the until time.  Students then penalize themselves if they start late.

Hope that helps


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