[ARCHIVED] SIS Integrations with IMS ILS 2.0 for Colleague ILP

Community Participant

Hi Folks,

Recently, the following project mysteriously disappeared from the Studio - In Development section:

The IMS Learning Information Services (LIS) specification has been adopted across the higher education industry as a standard way to integrate with Student Information Systems such as Ellucian Banner, Datatel and Oracle Peoplesoft Campus Solutions.

LIS compliance requires several changes to the underlying Canvas apis:

  • allow unpublish of courses through api
  • allow a deleted course to be reactivated through api
  • allow a deleted section to be reactivated through api
  • allow a deleted user to be reactivated through api
  • assign integration_id to a section via api

I inquired with Renee Carney and Instructure Support on this, and the answer I got was "the information was just released too soon and has been pulled back. All we are able to say is to keep an eye on studio for when the project returns."

Is there any more substantive feedback on this? We're working towards supporting Colleague ILP and Canvas at our institution and would like some direction from Instructure on this.


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