[ARCHIVED] Save Your Work for Next Year: using Master Courses in Canvas

Community Explorer

We've all worked harder this year than ever before to serve our students and our teachers. Whatever you do, don't lose all your hard work!

If you're a teacher using Canvas with courses for your students, most likely your district automatically sets up your sections for you via integration with a Student Integration System (SIS). While this is great and saves a lot of time, it can be disastrous if, for whatever reason, you've put a lot of effort into building out course materials in a Canvas class and it disappears (due to collapsing a course because of low enrollment, shifting teacher assignments, etc.).

Please don't let this happen to you! While you might not have control over the courses that your district makes for you, You DO have an option: Make your own Master Course(s) to build out your content. I have an easy instructional infographic to show you how.

Canvas Master Courses (1).png

I'd love to hear your feedback. How do you keep your work from one year to the next? Are their easier, or better ways of doing this?

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