[ARCHIVED] Speed Grader question

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I have graded a student's paper submission using Speed Grader.  I have made several "balloon" comments out in the margins. She can't see any of them. The paper does not show any of my comments, yet I continue to see them on Speed Grader.  Can you help me?

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1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi  @d_blum  Welcometo the Canvas Community. This comes up quite a bit, so the first thing is to make sure that the student knows how to find them from their perspective.  This is documented for students here:  How do I view annotation feedback comments from my instructor directly in my assignment submission?  (Which is not a bad link to include for them somewhere in your course site, I'll add!  Smiley Happy )

However, you said that "the paper does not show any of my comments"--by which I assume you mean for the student--and apart from the above issue there is one other possibility.  If the student re-submits the assignment at any point, from their perspective their original submission (and with it, your comments!) disappears.  YOU still have access to them, but the student does not.  This is an issue that sounds like it may be fixed at least in the near future judging from the update on this Feature Idea, though I encourage you to vote it up so that you can follow it.

If that happened, you may have no recourse but to head back to the original submission and download your annotations for her, as outlined under number 1 on the first screen capture here: https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-15081-4152719763 

I hope this helps, Denni!

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