[ARCHIVED] Tabbed navigation not correctly rendered in Canvas app on iOS products...

Community Novice

Hello all;

The good news is I found the tabbed navigation code, implemented it in one of my courses, and thought it all looked great in both Windows as well as Mac environments in multiple browser programs!  I was so excited!  Then I tested it in the Canvas App on my iOS equipment- an iPad Mini and iPhone 6s.  Seems to me this is not the first time I have run into an incompatibility issue.

This html code is not rendered correctly by the app on this equipment.  The page appears in Canvas just as it does in the edit window; list of hyperlinks on top with content below.  When I click on the hyperlinks (hoping to see if I will be 'jumped' to that place in the page), I was brought back to my Canvas dashboard.

As I don't have access to Android products but know many of my students use them, will someone please let me know if this is an iOS thing?   I remember there being "iFrame" issues that had workarounds, is there a fix out there for this issue? I would be happy to add you to this course so you can test...

My thanks for your help,


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