[ARCHIVED] Tids öppnad grupp quiz [Time opened group quiz]

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Har gjort Grupper för att kunna tilldela quiz samt uppgifter tidsstyrt men detta fungerade inte.

Första gruppen skulle ha kl.09:00 - 11:00 

Grupp 2 skall ha kl.12:00 - 14:00

Jag har tilldelat grupperna under - personer - grupper med 16 per i varje grupp.


Varför öppnas det inte upp när jag lägger in tidsintervaller på Quizet när jag lägger in grupper ?

Translation from Google Translate:

Have done Groups to be able to assign quiz as well as tasks timed but this did not work.

The first group would have 9am - 11am

Group 2 should be at 12:00 - 14:00

I have assigned the groups sub - people - groups with 16 per in each group.


Why doesn't it open up when I post time intervals on Quizet when I post groups?

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1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team


The reason this would not work is that you cannot differentiate based on group.  You can find more information in How can I assign a quiz to a group? 

You can assign by course section: How do I assign a quiz to a course section?  
or individually https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-26363-how-do-i-assign-a-quiz-to-an-individual-student?sr=se... 

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