[ARCHIVED] Using HMH LTIs in Canvas

Community Explorer

We have added our HMH content into our Canvas Commons and teachers can access materials there to import into their courses.  However, we have three HMH LTI's that show up - but we don't know how to use them as an external tool.  They don't seem to do anything.  We have reached out to HMH for support, but they said to ask Canvas.  However, it's not Canvas' product, so they cannot help.  

Does anyone use the HMH LTIs as external tools when making assignments? If so, how does it work?  I cannot find any documentation online about it, either.  

These are the three LTI's that appear that we don't know how to use: 


  • HMH HMHCO LTI Tool Provider
  • HMH my.hrw.com LTI Tool Provider

  • HMH ThinkCentral LTI Tool Provider 


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