[ARCHIVED] Why can't students launch a New Quiz from Grades?

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There's nothing (obvious) to click to launch a New Quiz from the student view of Grades. 


How is a student to know to click the bread crumb at the top to actually open the quiz? Feels this UI should be cleaned up. 

When students are playing catch-up, Grades a logical place for them to work from. Adding the complexity of knowing to click a breadcrumb of hunting for the NQ in Assignments or Quizzes or finding a link in an Announcement or Page puts up unnecessary barriers for students.

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @UF 

My guess is that it's because New Quizzes are (currently) implemented as an external tool (LTI).  The other external tool assignments I've looked at do the same thing when you attempt to open them from the Grades area.

Interestingly, if the student already has one attempt for the quiz, they can launch another attempt when viewing their results under Grades:

Screen Shot 2022-02-23 at 11.56.21 AM.png

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